samedi 26 septembre 2020

 Most people, if they even care, labor under the mistaken notion that “enlightenment” has something to do with what we DO in our lives; cleaning up our behavior, ratcheting up our compassion, clearing up our obscurations, purifying our bad karma, thinking positive thoughts, thinking NO thoughts, helping little old ladies across the street; in general trying to emulate what we imagine an “enlightened being” acts like- as if the behavior makes the condition.

That’s ALL hogwash. It turns out that “enlightenment” is the inherent condition of Being itself. So it’s already a done deal. Nothing IN being needs to be cleaned up, purified, made more positive, made more compassionate. The mediocre, imperfect victim most of us fear ourselves to be is already God, without needing to lift a finger! Our world as it is is Heaven, our life already a pageant of Divine Celebration. Hallelujah!

The very fact that any particular condition in our experience even EXISTS at ALL, means it’s already crossed the finish line. Being equals enlightenment. Period. If any condition IS, it is inherently absolutely perfect. The clouds in the sky, the shit in the toilet. Tag, YOU’RE IT. You may as well sell your mala and trade in your meditation robe for a bikini and go work on your tan, it won’t make the tiniest bit of difference to the ACTUAL condition of anyone or anything whether or not you do.

You’d think that fact would put a lot of people in the “spirituality” industry out of business, wouldn’t you? But I’m afraid they don’t have to worry, and can probably go on selling water to the fish for the foreseeable future. The unfortunate fact, at least for those of us pushing for the dissemination of this truth, is that people are pretty damn absorbed in their dramatic struggle to find what they haven’t lost

Dirty Enlightenment: The Inherent Perfection of Imperfection

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