lundi 29 janvier 2018

BM - I am convinced that the overthrow of Capitalism and government is not enough, rather, what is needed is a complete annihilation of Materialism – both Capitalism and Marxism. Living must replace consumption.

Why you don’t like to show your face? I heard you mention in another interview that you think it would undermine your message. But had you had a more public persona, perhaps your message would have been heard/spread more widely.

BM - First, obviously in my days of activism the last thing I wanted was a clear familiarity with my image. Second, creating a visual target is never desirable. The system needs symbols to attack. Then there is my discomfort with the “cult of the personality”. Some indigenous people felt the capturing of an image is analogous to the capture of the “spirit”, to which I concur. Then there is the real threat of a face replacing a message.

What do you think of “selfie” culture then?

BM - The “selfie” is the ultimate conceit. A clear indication of the depth of the problem. Fifteen minutes of fame becomes a lifetime of delusion. We can only work for its demise but it will be a long and arduous journey. You can see with its absurdity the extreme outgrowth of this fascination with the image over essence.

Ben Morea: Behind Black Mask

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