mercredi 17 mai 2023

All Knowledge-Princes of Earth-man, all
Ancient Seraphim of heavenly Desire, Devas, yogis
& holymen I chant to-
Come to my lone presence
Into this Vortex named Kansas
I lift my voice aloud
Make Mantra of American language now
I here declare the end of the War!
Ancient days' Illusion!-
And pronounce words beginning my own millennium
Let the States tremble,
    let the nation weep,
        let Congress legislate its own delight,
            let the President execute his own desire—
this Act done by my own voice,
                nameless Mystery—
published to my own senses,
        blissfully received by my own form
    approved with pleasure by my sensations
        manifestation of my very thought
        accomplished in my own imagination
            all realms within my consciousness fulfilled
    60 miles from Wichita
                near El Dorado,
                    The Golden One,
in chill earthly mist
    houseless brown farmland plains rolling heavenward
                        in every direction
one midwinter afternoon Sunday called the day of the Lord—
    Pure Spring Water gathered in one tower
            where Florence is
                    set on a hill,
            stop for tea & gas


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