samedi 7 octobre 2023

La folie, c'est de faire toujours la même chose et de s'attendre à un résultat différent.


These beliefs and behaviors give us a sense that life has meaning and that we have value. And the study of those coping mechanisms is known as Terror Management Theory – as in how we manage the lifelong anxiety that’s born of our terror of death.

All cultures include creation stories that tell us where we came from. Our cultures also tell us what we should do while we’re here. They offer promises of immortality in one form or another: maybe by telling us that some vestige of our existence, like a soul, will live on; or by encouraging us to do things we’ll be remembered by: for example, raising children, leaving a legacy, or putting our name on lots of tall buildings.

Every culture sets its own standards about what makes us valued members of society. And when we meet those standards, we gain self-esteem, which is something we all seek throughout our lives.

So far, so good. But what happens when we run into people who are different and whose cultures offer paths to self-esteem and immortality that may be contradictory to our own?

the shit's got its perks but sadly also its limits
specially when those bastards on the other side are using the same schtick
and its all fun and games until someone gets hurt

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